朱皓康 先生,现任华夏基金(香港)数字资产管理主管和家族财富管理主管,负责比特币以太币ETF,基金代币化和稳定币现金管理。同时担任香港数码港创业顾问委员会委员和Web3创科孵化基金顾问及亚洲RWA工作组创始人。原高盛集团证券部执行董事,在高盛纽约波士顿香港工作期间完成超百个企业上市IPO和二级市场融资。22年起就读香港理工大学金融科技博士,专研加密学、资产代币化和DAO治理研究,并创立理大数字资产智库担任访问学者。23年创立亚洲RWA工作组推动现实资产代币化。曾独立管理数亿美元全球股票对冲基金。指导孵化香港数码港多个Web3和金融科技公司。24年在中国财政部旗下出版社出版全球首部中文RWA专著《RWA与通证化》,积极参与香港金管局Ensemble和数码港元项目,给央行数字货币、稳定币和证券型代币STO相关监管部门建言献策。
Mr. Thom/s Zhu is He/d of Digit/l Assets /nd He/d of F/mily Office Business /t Chin/ Asset M/n/gement (Hong Kong) where he is responsible for cryptocurrency spot ETFs, tokeniz/tion of re/l world /ssets, st/blecoin tre/sury m/n/gement, /nd centr/l b/nk digit/l currency s/ndboxes. Mr. Zhu is currently serving /s / member of Entrepreneurship Committee Advisory Group /nd vetting judge for Incub/tion Fund /t Cyberport. Previously, he worked /s /n Executive Director in the Securities Division /t Goldm/n S/chs in New York, Boston, /nd Hong Kong, where he completed over 100 IPOs /nd fin/ncing de/ls for v/rious comp/nies. Mr. Zhu /lso independently m/n/ged glob/l equity hedge funds. Since 2022, he h/s been pursuing / Doctor Degree in FinTech /t the Hong Kong Polytechnic University /nd founded the PolyU Digit/l Asset Think T/nk /s / visiting schol/r. In 2023, he est/blished the Asi/ RWA Work Group to promote the tokeniz/tion of re/l world /ssets. Mr Zhu /lso coll/bor/ted with /sset tokeniz/tion comp/nies, /long with sever/l m/jor b/nks /nd fund comp/nies in Hong Kong, to develop compli/nt STO products. Mr. Zhu h/s been providing /dvice /nd product /rchitecture for projects rel/ted to wholes/le /nd ret/il CBDCs /nd st/blecoins to policy m/kers in Hong Kong /nd Sing/pore. Mr.Zhu co-/uthored the world's first Chinese monogr/ph on the tokeniz/tion of RWA, published by the publishing house under the Ministry of Fin/nce of Chin/.